Enes Sadık Özbek

Passionate problem solver

.NET & React Developer

.NET expert with a deep low-level understanding of the underlying runtime. Mastered advanced topic such as reflection, MSIL, marshalling, interop etc. Works mostly with ASP.NET Core and desktop applications.

React developer with good understanding of TypeScript and modern HTML and CSS principles. Worked with UI frameworks such as MUI, Metronic, Bulma and Tailwind CSS. Has experience with frameworks such as gatsby and Next.js.

Latest Blog Posts

C#'s "is null" Considered Harmful

C#'s "is" operator allows a different kind of null checking, but in some cases, this may cause bugs that may be hard to debug.

Zero Trust Microservice Architecture with ABP Framework

In this article we will explore how to integrate a zero trust microservice architecture with ABP Framework.

Creating a Discord Bot with .NET and the ABP Framework

In this article we will explore how to integrate Discord .NET with ABP.

Inline assembly in C# and .NET

A short guide on running x86 assembly from C#.